Internship Agreement
I am ready to help others with their health and join this awesome team through this internship. I resonate with our mission to provide our customers with personalized health education and essential oil products that are safe, effective, and natural - so they can feel better than ever and do what they want with their lives.
I will be open and honest with my leader at all points throughout the internship. If I feel something isn't working out, I will talk with my leader right away to stay on the same page, over the phone or in person, not via text. I will show up and do the things I say I'll do. I am committed to learning new things and am willing step outside my comfort zone for the benefit of those I'm serving.
I know that the internship is a way to test out the business and I'll have an opportunity to move forward or not by the end... but once I start seeing the positive impact I'm having, I'll probably never want to stop.